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Leysin, Switzerland
11-18 years old
53 weeks
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The school is offering a bespoke international curriculum Pre-iGCSE, iGCSE and A-Level, exceptional co-curricular and supper-curriculum projects.
Our highly qualified academic staff encourage a scholarly approach in our pupils and look to nurture in them the habits and skills of independent learning which will equip them not only for success at school, but also at university and in their future careers.
**Developing intellectual curiosity & a love of learning **
We follow a traditional, academic British curriculum infused with a determinedly global outlook. Experimentation and risk-taking is encouraged within a safe and supportive environment so that all of our pupils develop life-long habits of learning.
Whatever their starting point, successful students are defined by a range of personal qualities that underpin their successes and their value to others. These are a clearly outlined set of 'qualities' that are at the foundation of everything we do at this boarding school. Both pupils and staff are encouraged to reflect on how they apply them in their daily lives.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils leave us with the examination results and habits of mind that afford them access to the most highly regarded universities in the world.
Working towards fluency in English
As an international school, many of our pupils are not native English speakers. We have extensive support available for pupils throughout the school (EAL) to assist them in becoming fluent in English.
Pupils usually start the Pre-IGCSE programme (referred to as Year 7, 8 or 9 under the British system) when they are 11, 12 or 13 years old before the academic year of entry.
The Pre-IGCSE programme introduces pupils to the subjects that they will study at IGCSE. The curriculum is designed to enable pupils to become confident and successful independent learners improving the personal, learning and thinking skills that will ensure their academic success higher up the school. The curriculum introduces pupils to a wide range of academic and cultural experiences designed to stimulate their intellectual curiosity.
The Pre-IGCSE years at the school are a great time to develop wide ranging and transferable skills that will be needed as pupils work their way through the school and onto the exciting worlds of university and work. Those following this programme are encouraged to read widely, to develop digital skills and to invest time and energy in the co-curricular and pastoral sides of College life.
All pupils study English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Art, a Modern Foreign Language, Physical Education, Computing and Life Skills (PSHE). Non-native English speakers receive lessons in English as an Additional Language.
Year 7, Year 8 & Year 9 / Age 11, Age 12 & Age 13
Pupils usually start the Pre-IGCSE programme (referred to as Year 7, 8 or 9 under the British system) when they are 11, 12 or 13 years old before the academic year of entry.
The Pre-IGCSE programme introduces pupils to the subjects that they will study at IGCSE. The curriculum is designed to enable pupils to become confident and successful independent learners improving the personal, learning and thinking skills that will ensure their academic success higher up the school. The curriculum introduces pupils to a wide range of academic and cultural experiences designed to stimulate their intellectual curiosity.
The Pre-IGCSE years at the school are a great time to develop wide ranging and transferable skills that will be needed as pupils work their way through the school and onto the exciting worlds of university and work. Those following this programme are encouraged to read widely, to develop digital skills and to invest time and energy in the co-curricular and pastoral sides of College life.
All pupils study English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Art, a Modern Foreign Language, Physical Education, Computing and Life Skills (PSHE). Non-native English speakers receive lessons in English as an Additional Language.
Year 10, Year 11 / Age 15, Age 16
IGCSE stands for International General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is equivalent to the GCSE qualification taken by UK students to prepare them for A Levels. IGCSEs are offered in many countries across the world as well as in the UK itself, where many private schools feel they are better preparation for A Levels than the GCSE.
IGCSEs are internationally recognised qualifications that lead directly into A-levels.
Most pupils study nine subjects, as below:
Business Studies
A Modern Foreign Language - French, Spanish or German
English - Either Language and/or Literature or English as an Additional Language
Biology, Chemistry and Physics - Dual or Triple Award Science depending on ability
Pupils are also able to choose between:
Art & Design or Geography / History or Computing
As the school grows, we will be added more subject choices.
Year 12, Year 13 / Age 16, Age 17-18
A Levels are two year academic courses designed to lead candidates directly on to university. Candidates normally start taking four A-levels, with most dropping to three in their second year. The A Level subjects on offer at the school can be found below.
The A Level curriculum is supplemented by supervised private study in order to prepare pupils for the rigours of university life. Also built into the curriculum are numerous opportunities for collaborative project work and for research. Sixth Formers at the school also receive advice tailored to their specific interests about university applications and careers.
A Levels allow for specialisation, but this does not come at the expense of a broad and holistic curriculum. A Levels allow for entry into universities around the world; they are widely recognised and well-respected qualifications. We anticipate being able to offer the subjects listed below for those starting in September 2022.
Art * English * Biology * Physics * Chemistry * Mathematics * Computing
Economics * Psychology * Business Studies * Music * History * French
Spanish * German * Geography * Physical Education
Year 12, Year 13 / Age 16, Age 17-18
Providing pupils with career-ready and industry focused hybrid programmes is one of the many unique aspects of studying at this school. It has developed the unique A Level and SHMS University Y1 integrated programme. This forward-thinking programme provides A Level pupils with a significant educational experience to better serve the hospitality industry by gaining additional knowledge and skills through practical training and access to university-level instruction. This unique opportunity allows pupils to progress directly into the Year 2 of university after successful graduation at the school.
The students who have successfully completed 2 A-Levels and the Hospitality Programme to progress towards the completion of the following awards:_ _
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Hospitality & Events Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Hospitality & Design Management
– granted by SHMS Swiss Hotel Management School and University of Derby, UK
One Year Programme / Age 17-18
This course focuses on developing the academic skills, language credentials and habits of mind needed to make the best of a university education. Pupils on the pre-University course are able to hone critical thinking and writing skills.
Skills Developed
Self-study - Getting ready for the independent study required at university.
Note-taking - Becoming proficient at extracting the relevant information and condensing it.
Referencing - Preparedness for academic writing and convention.
Self-knowledge - Getting to know their own strengths and weaknesses and how to become the best version of themselves.
Time Management - Learning to cope with deadlines and workload in a sustainable and efficient manner.
Independent Project Work - Learning how to research and work with others in a variety of contexts.
This course includes instruction in the following:
Mathematics - Honing numeracy for university study.
Academic English - Further practice in the use of English in an academic context.
Science - Study of the philosophy of science and its application as a general preparation for university courses of all types.
Life Skills & ICT - Preparation for living life independently and away from home. Training for greater ease in the use of computers for study.
MFL - Further instruction in a chosen modern foreign language.
**Global Perspectives and Thinking Skills **- Instruction in current affairs, politics and citizenship. Exploration of the history of thought and ways of thinking.
Boarding Fee Pre-IGCSE :
59995 CHF
Boarding Fee IGCSE :
65995 CHF
Boarding Fee A Level :
65995 CHF
Boarding Fee A Level + University Y1 Programme in Hospitality:
65995 CHF
University Preparation Programme:
49995 CHF
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